body ecology vegetable starter

Body Ecology Vegetable Starter | Stable, Predicable Fermentation

I’ve used Body Ecology Culture Starter many times for preparing fermented vegetables. I’ve found the starter to be excellent and has produced tasty, crunchy veggies. Donna Gates, the creator of Body Ecology, has spent some 30+ years developing fermentation starters and has become an authority on fermented foods. Why use body ecology vegetable starter? Body…

Probiotic bone broths

How to Ferment Vegetables | What You Need to Know to Succeed

Learning how to ferment vegetables at home requires a little insight into the world of humble microorganisms. These creatures literary chew the food for you. During this process they turn nutrients more bioavailable and create new ones. Your job when fermenting is to keep these microorganisms happy and let them produce natto, kimchi, fermented garlic,…

Fermented vegetables

Fermenting Vegetables at Home | Simple Guide in 7 Steps

Fermenting vegetables at home is simple and fun! And recipes are normally very flexible. This particular batch developed a tart, acidic, complex taste, with hot ginger notes, and medium crunchy veggies. Absolutely delicious! Ingredients This batch was about 10 lb. (5 kg.) For smaller batches, just follow the main idea and you should be fine….

Ginger Lemon shot

Ginger Shot Recipes | 3 Small Shots, Great Tastes

Ginger shot recipes are hot and tasty. Fresh ginger is a favorite ingredient in many fermented food recipes. In fresh juice, it has a strong aromatic, spicy, tangy, and hot taste that can be combined many other vegetables and fruits. Ginger is an aromatic bitter herb and a cousin to turmeric and cardamom. Try adding fermented ginger…