Juice recipes with probiotics

Juice Recipes with Probiotics: 3 Classic Probiotic Drinks

Adding probiotics to juice recipes makes a great marriage. Vegetable juice is nutrient dense, and probiotics are beneficial bacteria that support digestion. This combination seems to work well for many. How do you add probiotics? An easy way is to take a probiotic capsule together with the juice. Others empty a capsule in the juice…

Why use a starter culture

Why Use a Starter Culture to Ferment Vegetables and Dairy?

Why use a starter culture? Because they simplify and improve the quality of fermented foods. After Louis Pasteur discovered that microorganisms are responsible for the fermentation process, starter cultures were developed around 1892 for the dairy industry. Today starter cultures are used for fermented vegetables, sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, beer, and other foods. Starter culture definition One way…

Wild fermentation

What Is Wild Vegetable Fermentation?

Wild vegetable fermentation has for centuries been the traditional way to ferment all kinds of vegetables. Today, using a starter culture is recommended as a superior way to prepare fermented food. However, wild fermentation can still be used to ferment sauerkraut, kefir, and other foods. How does wild fermentation work? What are the benefits? Wild…

Sauerkraut at home

Preparing Sauerkraut at Home | Learn How In 7 Steps

Preparing sauerkraut at home is simple and straightforward, not to mention cheap and delicious. This recipe is a variation of the classic sauerkraut recipe—no sugar or vinegar is used. Preparing sauerkraut is great for beginners. How to prepare sauerkraut Here I used green cabbage which is cheap and simple to ferment. Try adding red cabbage which…

Fermented butter

Homemade Fermented Butter | 5 Steps To Succeed

Homemade fermented butter is rich, silky, creamy, with a slightly tangy twist. Cultured butter has similar uses as standard butter, just with more character. Cultured butter contains lots of good bacteria. Fermented cream I sometimes order raw cream from a trusted farmer and by the time I receive the cream it has already started to…


Kimchi Recipe for Beginners | A Zesty, Fermented Delicacy

If you are fond of zesty delicacies, then try this Korean kimchi recipe. It might even become a favorite. The kimchi recipes in this post are simple to prepare and flexible to fit most tastes. What is kimchi? Kimchi can be described as fermented vegetables similar to sauerkraut, just much more zesty. Kimchi recipes come…

Raw honey

Raw Honey In Cooking | Enjoy the Probiotic Bacteria

Did you know that raw honey contains probiotic bacteria? Researchers in Lund University, Sweden published findings that wild and fresh honey contains billions of friendly bacteria from 13 different types. What is raw honey? It refers to unheated, pure, unpasteurized, and unprocessed. Be aware of fake honey which is a mixture of sugar water, malt…

Sourdough bread

What Is Sourdough Bread? Get the Basics

What is sourdough bread? How to make it at home? The ingredients are simple and we use only the microorganisms naturally present to ferment the dough. This sounds simple, but the chemical processes involved in breadmaking are intriguing. Water and flour form an astonishing number of interconnected chemical compounds that is still not fully understood. Responsible…