Learning how to ferment food at home is simple, cost-effective, and fun.
Helen worked as a chef and for years prepared the menu and cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner for many guests. She bakes the most delicious breads of all sorts—including a nice selection of keto breads.
Ken was first inspired by his grandmother, a brilliant chef. Being in her kitchen as a boy was a source of inspiration when she prepared homemade butter, cheese, and other foods. He later turned to French cooking and engaged in gourmet cooking for a long time. He then turned to Indian cooking with its great diversity in colour and taste.
In Eastern Europe we discovered the world of fermented food—fermented cucumber, tomatoes, garlic, chili pepper, kefir, and sauerkraut. This was an entirely new world of cooking!
So we learned to prepare kombucha and kefir, then moving on with fermented vegetables, garlic, and many other foods.
We invite you to try the recipes we have collected on this site.